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60 day full money back guarantee

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Aditi Patel

Antivirus Experts Editor

  • Norton LifeLock gives each customer up to $1 million in reimbursement.
  • Provides a 2-month money-back guarantee if ever you aren’t satisfied with the product.
  • More than 9,000 good reviews
  • Norton LifeLock garnered a 4.5 rating out of 5

  • You pay more for Norton services compared other companies
  • No family plan, so you will need to pay more for any additional user in your household.

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For almost 6 years, I have had Norton protecting my computer and other digital devices. And I have never experienced any problems. What really appeals me to their services is the fact that they constantly keep updating their systems with time. Apart from the quick scans, I regularly updated my devices once a week and performed full scans to keep away threats and viruses. And this has really worked for me! For me, Norton works perfectly fine and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

Dallas, Texas
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Od prawie 6 lat Norton chroni mój komputer i inne urządzenia cyfrowe. I nigdy nie miałem żadnych problemów. To, co naprawdę przemawia do ich usług, to fakt, że stale aktualizują swoje systemy z czasem. Oprócz szybkich skanów regularnie aktualizowałem swoje urządzenia raz w tygodniu i wykonywałem pełne skanowanie, aby trzymać z dala od zagrożeń i wirusów. I to naprawdę mi się udało! U mnie Norton działa idealnie i zdecydowanie polecam go wszystkim.
